Welcome to Evergreenz Zine

A newsletter and community of people on a journey of self-knowledge. I talk about lessons and reflections I learn in my daily life that hopefully help others learn a little bit more about themselves.

I discuss a range of topics from fitness to self-improvement. Believe me, these posts are just as much for me as they are for you. I like to think that by watering my garden of self-knowledge and can help others keep their gardens evergreen too.

A Little About Me

I’m a recent graduate from North Carolina with a passion for writing just about anything. I love strength training and learning something new about myself every day. My dream is for my words to help people holistically.

What to Look Forward To

Expect long-form personal essays, short atomic essays, and weekly favorites round-ups. All of these will be sent directly to your inbox every Thursday at 5 p.m.

Join the Garden

Be part of a community of people who share your interests.

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Subscribe to Evergreenz Zine

A weekly newsletter evergreen reflections and insight about life. You'll find insight and joy here. Hopefully, you'll start cultivating a garden of thoughts that's evergreen.


Transitioning from an aspiring writer to an actual writer...